Born in Spain, raised in Germany and Chile, Felix learned at an early age that there is so much to discover in this world.Traveling across continents makes him curious. He loves to explore the nature around him. At school, he was never really excelled inart classes. It took a lot of years to discover that maybe he did have an artistic side after all.

One day Felix was out and about with a camera in his hands and realized that the world seemed to change because of the camera. A whole new world literally appeared before him. It wasn't long until this changed his entire life. Photography became his new passion, sometimes called an obsession. He dropped all other hobbies and photography meant everything in his life. The best addiction ever!

For Felix, it is important that a photograph evokes a certain feeling. A feeling of satisfaction, remembrance and curiosity. This can be positive or negative, warm or cold. His preference is snow and ice, which does not mean he does not enjoy traveling to warmer places but he would rather trip over his tripod in arctic regions than in tropical ones.