With some regularity you can see Fritz sprinting over the Drunense Dunes with a ball or a branch in his mouth or sleeping under the desk while his owners are working on This Way. This cheerful friend is a 2-year-old Australian Shepherd and loves (but really loves) hugs from people. All photo walks are pre-tested by Fritz. Does his tail wag hard back and forth? Then it is a successful walk. Does he lie down? Then the walk is probably too long and he prefers to rest. Unfortunately, the happy friend can't come along on workshops and trips but as soon as his eyes say"please, please, puppy please can I also go on a photo walk with canine friends?" you know what to do.... Office dog and happy heartthrob Fritz therefore now has his own walk! Do you wag along? Uh walk with me!



If you want to see more from Fritz, follow him on his social media channel!