Ron was born and raised in the Netherlands. Fascinated by the diversity of nature and climate in Northern Europe, he moved to Norway more than 15 years ago. Following his desire for rugged nature meant a lot to his photography. Norway's endless coastline, fjords, mountain peaks and plateaus, forests, waterfalls and streams provide endless opportunities for photography. And with the diverse weather and distinct seasons, every place visited feels different throughout the year. That's what he wants to show with the photos he takes: the amazing atmosphere of dramatic nature.

The art of capturing and conveying nature and atmosphere is a challenge he really enjoys in photography. Ron enjoys looking for beautiful compositions in nature. If necessary, he works his camera quite technically to overcome limitations of the sensor, sharpness, field of view or perspective. Attention to post-processing of the photographs is very important to him. Right contrasts and colors in a visually interesting photo means a lot to show the moment and feeling of a location. Post-processing adds a personal touch to the final result.



If you want to see more from Ron, follow him on his social media channel!