Early in the morning when the all insects are still covered in morning dew you can hear the tall grass crackle very gently.... Ester with her camera! When all the animals, flowers, leaves etc are not yet warmed by the sun Ester is looking for the most beautiful and unique compositions. Sometimes with her macro lens, sometimes a telephoto lens or maybe a very creative lens. She likes to think out of the box and use natural light to make her subject stand out.

Ester is most at ease walking in nature. Enjoying everything that comes her way. These can be birds, butterflies fluttering by or a beautiful intimate scene in the landscape. Escaping from a world full of stimuli to her own dream world where her imagination is stimulated. As she looks through the lens of her camera, another world opens up to her and she marvels at details that she never noticed before. Time then seems to stand still, and that experience is magical. Guided by that amazement, creations arise that appeal to the imagination.



If you want to see more from Ester, follow her on her social media channel!