You are going to the Highlands of Iceland! Are you already counting down? This page has all the important information like all the accommodations where we are staying, the schedule, phone numbers and handy tips for all the essentials. If something is missing or not completely clear it may be that not everything is known yet, please let us know so we can help you further. Please also pass on the URL to those back home so they also always know where you are or who to contact in case of an emergency. 


During this trip there will be two guides present who will do everything they can to make it as unforgettable as possible! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them because that's what they are there for! If we don't have more than 3 participants then only Jos will go as guide.


A true adventurer and does not shy away from a challenge. He has a good eye for composition so if you get stuck.... pull him by his coat!


Our Flemish guide with a lot of travel experience. Kevin knows how to shoot the most beautiful images with his Sony. Do you get stuck with post-processing? Feel free to ask him for tips!


We will pick you up August 23 at the airport in Reykjavik unless otherwise arranged with you. So be ready with all your luggage in the arrival hall or look for us. You will recognize us by the This Way logo and otherwise we will recognize you! We would like to hear your flight number in advance so we can keep an eye on you if there are any delays. Make sure you arrive no later than 12:00, we still have several hours to drive in the car.

As indicated, all transportation in Iceland is included in the trip. During the photo tour we will drive in 4x4 cars because we will experience rough terrain. With the cars we will have to cross rivers and very bumpy roads .

The last night we stay in the vicinity of the airport. We will bring you back to the airport no later than 12:00, unless otherwise arranged with you.


The accommodations where we stay during the trip in Iceland are distributed along the route. The distances are quite long and by hopping from accommodation to accommodation we make the most of the photography opportunities. Because we stay on the edges of the highlands not all accommodations will be equally luxurious. So leave your gala attire at home because we are going on an adventure! It is most convenient to bring a soft travel bag instead of a suitcase.


August 23-24 (1 night)
Hotel Gullfoss (including breakfast)
Brattholt, Blaskogabyggd, Bláskógabyggd, South Iceland, 801 Iceland

Aug. 24-27 (3 nights, including breakfast)
The Highland Center Hrauneyjar
Road no. 26, 851 Sprengisandur, Iceland

Aug. 27-29

Aug. 29-30 (1 night)
Konvin Hotel by Reykjavik Keflavik Airport
Keilisbraut 762, Reykjanesbær, 235 Iceland


At the accommodations in Iceland, breakfast is included in most cases. Should this not be the case, we set the table for a good breakfast together in conviviality.

The weather in Iceland is unpredictable and therefore we never know exactly when we are shooting. Because of this it may be that some times we eat hot food in the afternoon and other times in the evening. We ask for some flexibility here because we strive to photograph the best moments of the day. Lunch is included in the price, dinner is at your own expense. Because we spend our time far from civilization it can't hurt to bring some easy food in Iceland. After all, it may well be that we will have our meal in the middle of nowhere. We will share more advice on this with you later.


For the days in Iceland we have made an overview of the locations. Of course this is not 100% fixed because the weather can also affect it. If the weather is favourable, we will try to keep to the following as much as possible.

Upon arrival, we will give a short presentation where we will briefly share some more tips and tricks. In between there will be an opportunity where we can look at some editing tips with each other.


  • Landmannalaugar
  • Ljótipollur
  • Hnausapollur
  • Hveravellir
  • Gjátindur Mountain
  • Kerlingarfjoll
  • Valley of Tears
  • Stutur Volcano
  • Blahnukur
  • Storusula
  • Axlafoss
  • F208 road
  • F210
  • More soon...

Please note, the Highlands of Iceland are a paradise for the drone enthusiast. If you own a drone, we recommend that you definitely bring it with you. Please note that you are not allowed to fly your drone everywhere. Be aware of this and make sure you have a certificate if needed for your type of drone.


We're going to make it a fantastic trip. In the unlikely event that something happens, at home or during the trip, it is wise that we can reach each other. We therefore advise you to give the people who stay at home the URL of this page so that they can access the information at all times. To be on the safe side, also leave the phone number where Charly can be reached. She is available 24 hours a day in case of emergency. +31(0)640418257. Do you store it yourself? 


For the trip to Iceland, we have created a checklist for you. That way, hopefully you won't forget anything!


  • Camera
  • Batteries
  • Camera Charger
  • Plenty of memory cards
  • Tripod (especially important if we are going to photograph the Northern Lights)
  • Telelens
  • Bright lens
  • Macro lens
  • Your favorite lens
  • Lens cloth
  • Bellows
  • Filters (if you use them)
  • Remote control (optional)
  • Laptop (optional)
  • Drone


  • Sports or walking shoes (comfortable to walk in)
  • Dress in several layers (it may be chilly)
  • Socks
  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Heat pads
  • Telephone
  • Passport
  • Charger
  • Medication (if needed)
  • Raincoat
  • Rain pants
  • Sunglasses
  • Teddy Bear