Privacy & Cookies

Privacy and cookie statement TW Photography Adventures

This privacy and cookie statement was last amended on the 18th of September 2024.

We, from TW Photography Adventures, process personal data. This is privacy-sensitive data that can be linkedto you, as a person. Your privacy is of great importance to us. We therefore comply with therelevant laws and regulations on privacy, including the General Data Protection Regulation(further: GDPR). This means, among other things, that:

  • we clearly state for what purposes we process personal data. We do so through this privacy and cookie statement;
  • we limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data necessary for legitimate purposes;
  • we ask you for explicit consent for the processing of your personal data in cases where your consent is required;
  • we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data. We also require this from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
  • we respect your rights, such as your right to access, correct or delete your personal data at your request.

Your data is safe with us and we will always use this data properly. In this privacy and cookie statement we explain how we handle your personal data.

If you have any questions or want to know exactly what we keep track of you, feel free to contact us. Our contact details can be found at the bottom of this privacy and cookie statement.

Personal data

To be able to be of service to you, we need several details from you. Below we describe what personal data we process from you, for what purpose and on what basis we do this and how long we keep the data.

Handling of a booking
When you make a booking with us for a tour or an event, for example a workshop, presentation or interview, we use your personal data to handle this booking properly. This also includes registering for free events via a registration form on the website. For this purpose, we may use the following data from you, if this is necessary for the contract with you or for its conclusion or settlement:

  • name and address details;
  • phone number;
  • billing address;
  • e-mail address;
  • payment details;
  • gender;
  • date of birth;
  • IP address;
  • details of the event booked / the booked trip;
  • company name travel insurer and travel insurance policy number;
  • passport details, without citizen service number (only if this is necessary for the trip);
  • visa details, without citizen service number (only if this is necessary for the trip);
  • data stay-at-home (name / telephone number / e-mail);
  • dietary data (optional);
  • necessary medical data (optional);
  • vaccination data (optional);
  • photography experience;
  • camera type.

For data marked "(optional)" you are free to provide this data to us or not. If you provide us with this data, you give your express consent to the only necessary processing of this data. Think for example of passing on dietary information to a hotel or passing on necessary medical information to the supervisor/escort landscape photographer hired by us, who must be aware of this. It may also be necessary for us to have your vaccination details, for example, to be able to organize a trip in certain countries where vaccination is required.

We may provide your personal data to our partners who are involved in the performance of this contract. These may include accommodation providers, transport companies/(car) rental companies, eateries, venue owners, landscape photographershired by us during our events and trips, photography wholesalers, delivery services, our accountant, payment service providers (and collection agencies) and our ICT suppliers and service providers, such as our platform provider. We also receive information about your payment from your bank or credit card company.

We retain this information for two years after the event or trip has taken place. Special personal data, such as your necessary medical information, will be deleted thirty calendar days after the event or trip has taken place. We keep certain customer data longer in connection with legal (tax) retention requirements.

Sending newsletters and advertisements
We have a newsletter. This newsletter is sent max 12 times per year by mail. With your consent you will be added to the list of subscribers. In some cases, your consent to send a newsletter is not required. In that case you always have the right to object to the use of your data for sending the newsletter. For sending the newsletter we use your:

  • first and last name;
  • e-mail address;
  • IP address.

The content of the newsletter includes the following information:

  • News, tips and information about our events and travels;
  • Updates on our activities that you have expressed an interest in;
  • Invitations to (new) online interviews, webinars, workshops, (online) programs, travel.

You can cancel the subscription to the newsletter at any time. Each newsletter also contains an unsubscribe link.

We also share your data with our ICT suppliers and service providers, such as our platform provider, who enable us to send newsletters and advertising via e-mail.

We will retain this information until you have unsubscribed from receiving the newsletter or advertising.

Contact form
With the contact form you can ask us questions or make requests. For this we use your:

  • name details;
  • phone number;
  • e-mail address;
  • IP address.

The processing of personal data in the context of a contact or application is done based on your consent. We process this data in order to handle your request as well as possible.

We also share your data with our ICT suppliers and service providers, such as our platform provider, who provide the contact form.

We keep the information we have received through the contact form until we are sure you are satisfied with our response and three months thereafter. This way, when we have followup questions, we can easily pull out the information. It also allows us to train our customer service team to be even better.

Hired accompanying landscape photographers

For our events and trips, we hire accompanying landscape photographers. If we have hired you as an accompanying landscape photographer, we will also process personal data about you. We do this because we need this data for the contract with you or to conclude or settle it. For this purpose we use the following data:

  • name and address details;
  • telephone number;
  • CV/portfolio;
  • billing address;
  • e-mail address;
  • payment details;
  • gender;
  • date of birth;
  • IP address;
  • details of the booked event/trip;
  • company name travel insurer and travel insurance policy number;
  • passport details, without citizen service number (only if this is necessary for the trip);
  • visa details, without citizen service number (only if this is necessary for the trip);
  • data stay-at-home (name / telephone number / e-mail);
  • dietary data (optional);
  • necessary medical data(optional);
  • vaccination data (optional);
  • photography experience;
  • camera type.

For data marked "(optional)" you are free to provide this data to us or not. If you provide us with this data, you give your express consent to the only necessary processing of this data. Think for example of passing on dietary information to a hotel or passing on necessary medical information to the supervisor/escort landscape photographer hired by us, who must be aware of this. It may also be necessary for us to have your vaccination details, for example, to be able to organize a trip in certain countries where vaccination is required.

It may be the case that we obtain certain personal data from you from other parties. This may include companies who indicate that you are a suitable accompanying landscape photographer for a particular area.

We may give your personal data to our partners who are involved in the execution of the contract with you. These may include accommodation providers, transporters/(car) rental companies, eateries, location owners, photography wholesalers, delivery services, our accountant and our ICT suppliers and service providers, such as our platform provider. We may also receive information from your bank or credit card company regarding payments.
We keep this information for two years after the event or trip has taken place. Special personal data, such as your necessary medical information, will be deleted thirty calendar days after the event or trip has taken place. We keep certain customer data longer in connection with legal (tax) retention requirements.

Image and sound material
During our events or trips, the creation of visual material of landscapes is central. In addition, image and sound material is also made from the events or trips themselves. All this image and sound material is made by us, the accompanying landscape photographer or by you yourself. It is possible that you will appear in this audio and video material, for example in a landscape photo or in a video with an impression of the atmosphere of the trip.

We would like to use the audio and video material made during an event or trip for promotional and educational purposes. Even if you appear in it. We ask your consent, or we process this audio and video material because we have a legitimate interest in doing so.

We retain unprocessed audio and video material for up to two years after acquisition. After that, the unprocessed audio and video material is destroyed. Your personal data is only stored insofar as it is relevant to the processed and published material.

Evaluation / complaints about an event or trip
We would like to receive feedback about our events or trips. That is why we send you an evaluation form which you can fill in. We also share your data with our ICT suppliers and service providers, such as our platform provider, who provide the evaluation form. It may also be the case that you contact us because you have a complaint about an event or a trip.In either case, we may process the following personal data from you:

  • name;
  • e-mail address;
  • phone number;
  • IP address;
  • the event or trip in question;
  • your reviews;
  • your complaint;
  • your other feedback or information.

We process this data because it is necessary for the contract with you or the conclusion or settlement of the contract, based on your consent or based on our legitimate interest to gain insight into how you experienced the event or the trip or to assess, handle and prevent complaints in the best possible way in the future.

We will keep the information we received through the evaluation form for one year after we received the evaluation form. We will keep the information about your complaint for one year after your complaint has been dealt with.

Sharing personal data

It may be necessary for us to share certain personal data with other parties. This is, for example, the case when we have engaged a certain party to process data, or because this is necessary for the contract entered into with you, based on your consent or because we have a legitimate interest in doing so. This privacy and cookie statement already indicates in several places with which parties certain of your data may be shared. We make proper arrangements with these parties, even if they are located outside the European Economic Area. We only share personal data with a party outside the EEA if that party is in a place with an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission or if appropriate safeguards have been put in place (for example, using Standard Contractual Clauses).

Transfer of personal data also takes place when this is required by a legal obligation. This is, for example, the case when data is handed over by order of the Public Prosecutor in the context of a criminal investigation.


Security of personal data is very important to us. We ensure that your data is properly secured. We therefore take appropriate security measures to limit abuse of and unauthorized access to your personal data. We ensure that only the necessary people have access to your data. We adjust the security (if necessary) and pay close attention to what can go wrong.


We also make use of cookies and other related technologies. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent with pages from our website and stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer or other device. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers or those of the relevant third parties on your next visit. For example, you do not have to fill in your data repeatedly and we can see that you are visiting us again. If we talk about cookies in this privacy and cookie statement, we also mean similar (tracking) techniques, such as scripts or web beacons (also pixel tags).

We place these cookies ourselves or engage third parties to do so. With these other companies that place cookies, we have made agreements about the use of the cookies. Yet we have no full control over what they do with the cookies. Read their privacy statements if you find this important.

The cookies that are placed and read on our website are so-called necessary and analytical cookies. Necessary cookies ensure the proper functioning of our website. With analytical cookies we keep statistics about the use of our website, so we can optimize our website. We also place tracking cookies. These cookies track your surfing behavior, so that we can show you specific ads that match your interests.

We show advertisements. This can vary from general advertisements to advertisements that are specifically aimed at you. These ads may appear on our own website or on websites of others. Through our ICT suppliers and service providers, such as our platform provider, we can arrange for these advertisements to appear. The placement of the advertisements is also done through other parties, such as Google Ads. These parties can, for example through tracking cookies, track whether you find ads interesting. They can use this information to only serve fun or interesting ads and offers in the future.

For necessary cookies and analytical cookies that are set in the most privacy-friendly way, we do not need your consent. The processing of your personal data with these cookies is based on our legitimate interest to make our website work properly and to obtain general statistics about our website visitors in order to optimize our website. Placing and reading of tracking cookies is done based on your consent.

The following cookies are placed on our website
Name: _ga
Purpose: Registers a unique ID used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.
Expiration period: 2 years
Categories: Analytical

Name: ads/ga
Purpose: Tracking for advertisement
Expiration period: session
Categories: Tracking

Name: ss_cvt
Purpose: Identifies unique visitors andtracks a visitor's sessions ona site
Expiration period: 30 minutes
Categories: Analytical

Turn cookies on and off
You can disable the placing of cookies via the browser, but some options of our website will no longer work properly. More information about enabling and disabling and deleting cookies can be found in the instructions and/or using the Help function of your browser.

Social Media Button

Social media buttons are included on our website. We do this to promote or share pages on various social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram. The buttons only become active when you click on them. With these buttons, the administrators of these services collect your personal data. If you want to know what the social networks do with your personal data, we recommend that you read the privacy statements of these social networks.

Third-party websites

This privacy and cookie statement does not apply to third-party websites that are linked to our website by means of links. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend that you read the privacy statement of these websites before using these websites.

Changes to this privacy and cookie statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy and cookie statement. So always pay attention to the date above and regularly check if there are new versions of the privacy and cookie statement, so that you are aware of these changes.

Your rights

If you have any questions or would like to know what personal data we have about you, you can always contact us. Our contact details can be found at the bottom of this privacy and cookie statement.
You have the following rights:

  • Get an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it;
  • Access to the exact personal data we have;
  • Having errors rectified;
  • Having personal data erased;
  • Having personal data transferred to another party;
  • Withdrawal of consent;
  • Restrict a certain processing;
  • Object to a particular use.

Please note that you always clearly indicate who you are, so that we can be sure that we do not modify or delete data from the wrong person.

In principle, we will comply with your request within one month. However, this period may be extended for reasons relating to the specific rights of data subjects or the complexity of the request. If we extend this period, we will inform you in good time.


If you wish to file a complaint about the use of your personal data, you can send an e-mail to We take each complaint internally and communicate this further with you.

If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle (a complaint about) the processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


TW Photography Adventures
Kloosterstraat 7
5074PN Biezenmortel
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)6 42 82 68 09
Chamber of Commerce: 94984018
VAT number: NL866959993B01