We all know the beautiful images of Iceland. Enchanting, breathtaking and an absolute delight for the landscape photographer. Besides these well-known locations, Iceland has a completely different world to offer, the Highlands. If you like peace, adventure and photography then this is just the place for you. Imagine yourself on a completely different planet while photographing. This adventure is one like you will not experience very often and with landscapes like you can only experience here. Do you dare this adventurous and spectacular journey?

The highlands of Iceland are not accessible to everyone because to reach this beautiful area you are required to have a 4x4 car and you do need to love an adventure. We drive through deep rivers, stand on top of craters of ancient volcanoes and stay in unique locations, also far away from civilization. No doubt you've seen the colorful images of Kerlingarfjöll and Landmannalaugar somewhere before and thought "Yeah yeah, there's no such thing as this much color in a mountain. Nothing could be further from the truth, it really does exist! Besides these two hotspots in the highlands we drive a number of adventurous routes where you can take unique images. Really every 100 meters you see something spectacular and beautiful and if you think it can't get any better, just wait until the next turn, WOW!


In the Highlands (especially after Landmannalaugar) you encounter few other people. Here you will discover pure peace, quiet and life in nature. Of course we make sure we have a good warm bed for you but don't always expect extreme luxury. There are few accommodations to stay overnight or dine in the Highlands and so there are days in between where we prepare our own meals in the comfort of the mountains instead of extensive luxury menus and jacuzzis. But a true nature lover can appreciate this very thing! Back to basics and full focus on photography.

In the middle of summer, the days here are long and the nights are short. A feast for the photographer because in the evenings you have a very long golden hour (so golden hours) and the sunset is also beautiful for hours. Due to the phenomenon of the midnight sun, the sun does not set completely or sets only very briefly. It may just be that we take some rest in the afternoon so that we can experience as many of the beautiful evenings and mornings as possible. Should there be an overcast day, don't worry because even then you may encounter the most spectacular skies and enchanting light.


With some 130 craters in Iceland, the highlands are a good place to indulge with your drone as well. The fresh green moss and red edges of the volcanoes create a beautiful color palette through all the black sand/lava. In most places here you can fly with a drone provided you have your EU cerificate. Only busy locations such as Landmannalaugar are excluded here.


    • Composition tips
    • Settings (ISO, shutter speed and aperture)
    • Dealing with different types of light
    • The use of filters
    • Tripod or not
    • Learn to understand your histogram
    • Apps for preparation
    • Focusstacking
    • Creating panoramas
    • Photographing stars
    • Flying your drone

    • Merge a focus stack
    • Merging panoramic images
    • Color Profiles
    • Colors in balance
    • Dodge and Burn
    • Bring your photos to life



  • Transportation to and from accommodations and Keflavik airport. Arrival no later than noon.

  • All transportation and fuel during the tour unless you deviate from the schedule yourself

  • Breakfast, lunch, fruit and drinks (coffee, tea and water)

  • Overnight accommodations for all days based on a shared room

  • Guidance from a landscape photographer

  • Any tickets for scheduled activities

  • WhatsApp group with all participants of the tour


  • Flight to and from Keflavik in Iceland

  • Meals not mentioned

  • Alcoholic refreshments

  • Single room supplement €700 euro (if available)

  • Travel and cancellation insurance


August 2024
23 - 30 August 2024
Jos Pannekoek and Kevin Teerlynck

  • Minimum 3 - maximum 6 participants 

  • Condition level: average

  • You must own your own camera

  • Local currency is ISK (Icelandic Krone)

  • Passport or Identity Card is necessary


  • €3699 per person

  • Deposit of €500 at time of booking 

  • Remaining invoice follows approximately 3 months before the trip


Besides the well-known (and somewhat busier) locations like Landmannalaugar and Kerlingarfjöll, we will visit Ljótipollur, Hnausapollur, Hveravellir, Gjátindur Mountain and much more. We drive over and between lava fields, through rivers and past waterfalls. The hotels/guesthouses are all in or near the highlands so we can quickly begin our daily adventure. Novice photographer or experienced photographer? Everyone is welcome. It is important that you have your own camera. There are only 6 spots available. This way there is enough time to give everyone personal advice and answer questions. The intention is not only to provide a nice experience but also to share knowledge. We do ask for some flexibility because the weather can affect the route. Imagine that the river is so deep by rainfall, for example, that we can't get through by car, then we prefer not to tread water but try again at another time.


All tours can be booked immediately. You now pay only the deposit of €500. Your spot is then immediately reserved. About 100 days before the tour you will receive the rest of the invoice. 

Please note that any discount codes will be used on the total price of the tour. The deposit remains the same. The discount will be deducted from the remaining invoice.

IMPORTANT: add your discount code as a note at checkout

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Normal price EUR500.00
Normal Price Offer price €500,00 EUR
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